Friday 3 January 2014

Light Casts No shadows, part 9

   It was then, perhaps caused by a draft from the slammed door, that my candle went out. In the darkness I searched my pockets for my tinder box. I stumbled, and dropped the stub of a candle which I held. I knew I had a second candle and a tinder box some where, but they eluded me.
   'Lost some thing?' Jacques hissed in my ear.
   'My light,' I replied.
   This amused him.
   I found my tinder box, but I could not find a candle.
   'What did you think of the playroom?' he asked.
   'The Dungeon... maybe you could take your girlfriend there.'
   I found the stub of my first candle on the ground, and opened the tinderbox.
   'You could have such fun with the...' he continued.
   A spark. A tiny fire. Then the candle was lit.
   Jacques was no where to be seen.
   Hastily, I located the new candle and lit it, then discarded the stub.

   On my way to the wine cellar I decided to give the girl free rein of the cellars. But first I would find clothes, bedding and more food for her.
   Jacques was sat on the steps again.
   'Where are you going?' he asked.
   'Getting provisions.'
   'Presents for you girlfriend?'
   'Be gone!'  
 I strode past him.
   First I located her bedroom, and found a change of clothes and two blankets for her. As an after thought, I located a blanket for myself. I took these things down to the cellar, then went up to the kitchen.
   Suddenly I realised how hungry I was. I ate cold  meat and bread. Then I selected fruit, bread, cheese and meat for her, and put them on a tray with water as before. On my way back down, I locked the door firmly.

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