Friday 3 January 2014

Light Casts No Shadows, part 10

   She looked at me with cold, dead eyes. Disgust and discomfort written, equally clearly, across her pretty face. I put the tray, blankets and clothes beside her. She did not shift from the corner where she sat.
   'You are my prisoner,' I told her, 'but now you may leave this cell. You may go any where in the cellars, but you may not leave the cellars.'
   She looked up, not at me but at the door behind me. 
   'You will find clean water beyond the wine cellar,' I continued. 'But I recommend that you venture no further, especially not down the old tunnel.'
   She ignored me. I turned to leave.
   'Madman,' she hissed.
   'Pardon?' I asked.
   'Madman! ... You are truly mad. You killed my husband... enslaved me! ... I hear you talking to yourself. Madness!'
   'I don't talk to myself.'
   'Then who do you talk to?' she demanded.
   'And who is Jacques?'
   'We meet in France. He is my enemy.'
   Again, I turned to leave.
   'What do you want of me?' for the first time, her voice betrayed sadness.
   'You are my prisoner. I need nothing else from you.' 

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