Friday 19 November 2010

To Freya.

Dedicated to The Lady Freya of The Vanir.

A Lady I once saw in the sky,
Who the Glorious Fallen
See when, on sword, they die,
Who is seen in Venus light,
In blood on water sunset,
And gentle heath-fire bright,
In the warmth of summer rain,
On pure snow of mountain top,
And passion of battle pain,

On ship across the Northern sea,
When wind lashes salt and spray,
The Whale Road carries part of me,
Onwards, always, to the day,
When She might take me away,

When blood flows in the night,
And foes for their dishonour pay,
The blade’s Moon reflected light,
Promises, always, of the day,
Her hand may lead me away,

Goddess of Death and Mystic Might-
Freya- of Love, and Verse, and Night. 
Freya Goddess of Youth, by Arthur Rackham, 1910.

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