Try to think in the manner of a primitive person. It is not hard- try to forget that which youlearnt in scholl and try to remember that which you have learnt in the street and in your home.
try to think as a primative person, as ne who knows the value of one human life- how much it can achieve. (Is this not the point of human sacrifice? That all of a person's energy,all the potential in life,is released in one moment for one perpuse?) Now think of the death of thousands- at The Somme or Starlingrad. What might that achieve?
Nothing more or less than the death of one Age and the life of another.
The death of one person, be it a virgin sacrifice or the execution of a criminal, can bring peace,justice or prosperity to a village. In the case of an innocent sacrifice the action could be considered to have a plasebo effect.In the case of a dangerous criminal,the execution removes a threat to health and property.
The death of hundreds can have the same effect on a city,by having a stronger psychological effect or removing a larger threat.
The death of thousands effects a nation, dramatically altering the nations moral and economy.
Retaining the 'primative- mind set, consider serveral everyday observations; the movement of the sun across the sky, the life and death of a pet, the phases of the moon and he growth of flowers.
Two things are apparent.
Things change,and change is circular (literally revolutionary)
Returning to the modern world, consider the last hundred years of history. This was, and is, a time of unparralled violoence- os war on a scale never before recorded in human history.
Firstly,World War One (The great War for Civilisation). This was prodominently an Imperialist war,fought for the Imperial Ambitions of some nations and for the survival of other nations. It occured in the middle of a time of dramatic social reform.
Next,the Second World War. Fought between Fascists, Communists and Imperial powers,this could be considered a war between Democracy and Totalitarianism, State Socialism and Capitalism, or Nationalism and Imperialism. In any of these interpretations of the conflict a lines between opposing sides are blurred but there is a strong theme of an idealogical struggle.
Then there was the Cold War, which for the purposes of this essay can be said to include all conflicts of a political nature which happened at that time and were influenced by the world powers (such as the Cuban Revolution or the War in Vietnam). This conflict was distinctly marked as a war bteween Capitalism and Communism.
At this time,war is being fought by Britain and America against fundermentalist Islam in the Middle East. this could be considered to be a materialist war for oil and the opium trade, or as an idealogicalstruggle between Islam and Christianity/ Capitalism. It is probably both, but it is marked by the fundermentalists use of Suicide Bombers- direct human sacrifice for idealogical ends.
In summary, we have (at the transition point between Astrological Ages a history of the mass termination of human life for idealogical ends-
Human Sacrifice.
To be continued...
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