Monday, 6 December 2010


 Thor, by Arthur Rackham.

The Voluspo ('Wise Woman's Song') is an epic Nordic saga describing the history of the world in the Heathen cosmology. It ends with a description of The Ragnarok (the last Battle at the end of the world), followed by the return of Balder and the making of the new world.
In the Ragnarok there will be three harsh winters followed by a winter which lasts for three years. The sea levels rise. There is war and civil strife across all the world.
A translation of one stanza the Voluspo which describes the Ragnarok is produced below.

'Brother fights brother-they butcher each other,
And sister’s sons- shall kinship stain,
Harsh it is on earth- that mighty whoredom,
An axe time, a sword time- shields are smashed,
A wind time, a wolf time- before the world falls,
Men shall never- spare each other.'

Look outside to see the people fighting the police on frozen ground under a frozen sky whilst the government struggles to destroy our nation as it sends warriors off the die in god's- forsaken corners of the earth.

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