Monday 17 February 2020

A Rose Struggling To Bloom.

She was like a Rose
Who is always dying,
And struggles to bloom:

Not enough water,
Or too much water,
Never enough sunshine.

Saturday 1 February 2020

Eternally Purple (Sonnet for The City )

Ten thousand neon moons glow,
We gaze on eternally purple skies, 
The only stars are in your eyes,
On streets where no dew drops show
A place for a wild flower to grow, 
Perhaps a grey, lonely moth flies 
Through twilight that never dies,
And crimson and gold rivers flow,

In an endless dusk with you,
Amongst beauteous false light, 
Never truly dark, nor truly night,
With forevermore, and nothing to do,
But miss the stars and moon too,
This city just shines too bright.